MACA Bilingual Pre-school

During morning hours the space will be used for a Bilingual Pre- school, we plan to start with a Russian/English pre-school and to expand to include other languages and cultures in the near future.

Our Mission:

is to help families preserve Russian language and culture while at the same time ensuring that children thrive academically and socially in an English- speaking classroom. We strive for our students to leave MACA Pre- school being able to converse in both Russian and English as well as be literate in both languages. We work hard to set them up for success in an American educational system!

Action Statement:

We provide a bilingual education to children 3-6 years of age combining elements of Waldorf and Language immersion philosophies. In addition to being literate in both English and Russian, students will have classes such as Music, Dance, Theatre, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Art and PE taught in Russian.